Thursday, May 20, 2010


Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Its HOT!!!

It really got over my head today! Twas so hot!! the thermo in my car says it all!!Wats the boiling point of Human blood?

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

The Kuwaiti Taj Mahal

Thers a new Masjid being built.And its inspired by the Taj Mahal If Agra(India).Well it looks almost the same. Its at the ouskirts of Garb Jaleeb. Visitd the construction site by chance.Was just passing by and this structure caught my eye.So, I thouhgt of stoppin and visiting the place. I was asked politely not to take any pictures,however, took this one jst b4 entering the premisis. Bt thers nuthin to ckick anyways, the interiors are nt dne yet. And whn I askd the guys wrkin ther, they said its gonna take a year or so to be completed. I m waitin eagerly. M sure its gonna b a landmark whn its done:)

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

